Attorneys are skilled researchers, writers and orators who craft brilliant legal arguments to win their cases. But when it comes to internet marketing for lawyers, producing regular online content can be more of a challenge.
For many, it’s not that they aren’t capable of writing the material. It’s usually that they don’t have time. The people they employ don’t have time. And even if they did, the learning curve for search engine optimization (SEO) is substantial.
Legal blogging, content writing and internet marketing for lawyers must be consistent to work well with search engine algorithms. Material has to be fresh, relevant and insightful. If you only post a blog or two a month, you probably aren’t going to see satisfying results. You need to create content that’s worth sharing.
At Law Firm Ghost Writer, our team of professional writers – which includes experienced print journalists, lawyers and editors – have been expertly crafting internet marketing for lawyers for nearly as long as law firms have maintained websites. We produce quality copy on a frequent basis to lawyers of all disciplines – from bankruptcy to personal injury.
Search engine algorithms are constantly updating. If you want to keep pace with the evolution of the digital landscape, here are some elements to keep in mind:
Invest in high-quality content. There is a glut of information on the internet. Not all of it is good. You need your information to stand out. It has to be noteworthy, well-written, informative and worth sharing.
Tell a captivating story. TIME reported on a study last year conducted by Microsoft Corp. that that showed people now generally lose their concentration after just 8 seconds. To put that into perspective, the average gold fish has an attention span of 9 seconds. That tells us a lot about how our increasingly digital world has affected our brains. That means you have to hook readers’ attention – and keep it – to reduce your SEO bounce rate, which is the rate at which people “bounce” off your page. The more people are drawn to your page and the longer they stay, the higher your search engine rankings.
Follow SEO best practices. This is not as simple as it sounds. If you want to drive web traffic – which is the best way for law firms to establish a strong online presence and authority – you have to hone your keywords and find those that aren’t being targeted yet by other firms. Focus on your local market. Make sure you are utilizing the proper meta descriptions and alt tags for images. Effective internet marketing for lawyers requires a combination of approaches that avoid so-called “black hat tricks” such as keyword-stuffing. You have to build all this around top-quality content.
Answer your target audience’s questions. You place yourself in a position of authority and create content worth sharing when you provide valuable answers to the questions potential clients are most often asking. Our content strategy specialists help you generate a variety of timely, original, interesting topics that motivate readers to share and ultimately improve your SEO ranking.
Contact Law Firm Ghost Writer to learn more about our legal blog writing services at 1.888.901.3939.
More Blog Entries:
Law Firm Blogging: No Longer Optional, Feb. 10, 2016, Law Firm Content Writer Blog
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