When it comes to legal marketing online, attorneys are forever getting around to expanding their website. Or writing blogs. Or both.
It has been nearly 4 years since the first marketing study showed the Internet surpassing yellow pages as the leading referral source for attorneys. An eternity ago, in Internet years. The truth of the matter is that most website platforms are capable of getting the job done (we like Justia). You can even, God-save us, do-it-yourself.
Just do it.What you do with these platforms will determine whether you succeed or fail.
Law Firm Ghost Writer is the most respected name in legal website content writing. Our legal blog writers, and Internet content writers provide hundreds of pages a month to law firms in more than 30 states. We have evolved to provide other legal marketing services at the request of our clients.
What you will find is a ready staff capable of providing you with comprehensive Internet legal marketing services, or services on an ala carte basis. Blog writing services, for example, start at just $200 a month.
Other firms elect to spend several thousand dollars a month or more on a more robust effort.
There just is no more time for excuses. And there is no magic bullet for search engine optimization. Ongoing, sustained effort will pay dividends. Anything else will eventually fail. And every day that goes by is one more day that your competitors have to get out in front of you and then stay there.
Make this year of the Internet. We’ve left the lights on for you.