Law Firm Content Marketing: Avoid the Bait-and-Switch

Strong law firm content marketing must provide value to its readers. It needs to engage, inform and deliver an effective call to action. backlitkeyboard

Unfortunately, it has become tempting for a fair number of content providers – including those in the legal arena – to use bait-and-switch tactics. These tactics are intended to lure readers and garner clicks, the hope being that this will boost the site’s search engine optimization (SEO) and push the site higher up into the ratings of Google, Bing, Yahoo and the others.

There are two problems with this. The first is that when you cheat your audience of the kind of meaningful content you promise, they are unlikely to stay long or to return. That hurts your SEO “bounce rate” – the rate at which readers “bounce” off your page, which is going to ratchet down your SEO score. And beyond that, Google and other search engines have become increasingly deft at identifying “click bait” and “bait-and-switch” techniques, which are sometimes referred to as a kind of “black hat trick” in the SEO world. It’s not going to work as well as it once did, and the goal of search engines is to make sure it doesn’t work at all. 

Search engines don’t want their users being constantly duped into clicking on irrelevant or worthless content. They want users to find what they are looking for. That means your law firm content marketing must provide information that is relevant and of value.

At Law Firm Ghost Writer, our content marketers are lawyers and award-winning former news reporters who extensively covered the legal system. We know how to turn a phrase to draw readers in. We value accuracy. We want our words to have meaning and value to you but also to your readers and potential clients.

We help you to identify the best keywords for your location and legal focus area. Then, we help you flesh out topics that people care about. We write honest headlines that will garner clicks and a offer level of in-depth analysis that provides readers with value.

The goal is to get readers to spend some time on your site. Your content marketing should help you stand out as a legal authority and trusted source of information. Your site should be a resource for potential clients and also the community at-large.

Journalists looking for legal expert sources to quote on various topics of the day will often peruse local lawyer websites. If your content marketing is sub-par – that is, poorly-written, failing to deliver on what the headline promises – they will quickly notice and look elsewhere.

Your website content should support your services – but more importantly, provide solid information. And by this we mean: Years ago, advertising was all about telling people how great your services or product was. But in this digital age, content marketing is much more subtle. Your readers are looking for accurate, timely and helpful information that will help to answer their questions. When you give them that – as opposed to only telling them why your firm is the best – they are more likely to stay longer, to read further and to reach out.

Contact Law Firm Ghost Writer to learn more about our legal blog writing services at 1.888.901.3939.

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Internet Marketing for Lawyers: Content Worth Sharing, March 6, 2016, Law Firm Content Marketing Writers Blog

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