Your Law Firm Will Never Get Good SEO With Bad Content

If you have ever explored adding law firm blogging to your firm’s regular advertising output, you’ve probably heard the phrase, “Content is king.” eatingmywords

As experienced law firm bloggers, we’re not here to dispute that. However, what we will say is that not all content is created equal.

WordPress, one of the main platforms on which law firm blogging is conducted, reports approximately 81 million new blog posts are created each month, resulting in about 45 million comments. That breaks down to about 2.7 million blog posts a day – and that’s just on WordPress. That’s a lot, but it’s wishful thinking that even half of those posts have any sort of significant value. In fact, a lot of is junk. But if you invest in a quality legal blog written by experienced reporters and practicing attorneys, this can actually work in your favor. That’s because when you can offer content that offers value and meets the readers’ expectations, your site is going to move up in search engine rankings. 

Search engines like Google, Bing and others have one primary goal: To get users what they want in the fewest number of clicks. When you provide users with quality content relevant to their search, the crawling search engines are going to take notice.

Good content can serve a couple of different purposes in this regard. The first is that when users do find you, they are going to stay on your page longer. That reduces your bounce rate, which is a factor search engines consider. The second is that when you have content that is cleanly written according to certain guidelines, search engines can easily figure out what your site is about and how it is going to help users.

When you commit to law firm blogging, simply slapping content up on your site is not going to be effective. If you have content wherein the sole purpose is self-promotion and it lacks any real purpose or value to the reader, it is not going to rank well. Typically, we can spot bad content right away because it tends to be thin on value and it does little to help the reader in their search.

The question of what constitutes good law firm blogging content can be a bit trickier to answer because it depends on the exact audience you are trying to serve. What works for a bankruptcy law firm isn’t necessarily going to work for a criminal defense lawyer. In general, good content is that which:

  • Answers users’ questions and helps them complete their original goal.
  • Delivers an easy, accessible experience, no matter what kind of device they are using.
  • Gives users the information they are seeking very quickly.
  • Offers all of this better than local competitors.

The primary goal for law firm blogging providers is to educate readers, offer them solutions and move them toward a connection with your law firm. So for example, if you represent personal injury plaintiffs, our goal would be to research current, relevant personal injury cases, case law or legislative action and then offer a brief but insightful analysis of how those kinds of cases can play out in your state or region. We never make promises regarding case outcomes or dole out specific legal advice. However, we do highlight the benefits of consulting with an experienced lawyer for that kind of issue.

We recognize that good law firm content does not happen accidentally. It requires planning, research and skilled writers who can deliver on a quick turnaround.

Contact Law Firm Ghost Writer to learn more about our legal blog writing services at 1.888.901.3939.

Additional Resources:

Legal Blog Writers Explain Best Types of Content for Law Firm SEO, Dec. 10, 2016, Law Firm Blogging Services

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