Launching a new law firm can be an exciting – but daunting – process. One element that you cannot overlook is legal marketing.
Legal blogs serve as one of the best online legal marketing tools available. Effective legal blog writing improves your search engine optimization (SEO), which means your law firm website will rank higher on search engines like Google and Bing. This in turn will improve the odds that a potential client will find you. Fresh, interesting, relevant content is also going to keep potential clients on your page. This works for you in two ways: It fosters trust and increases the odds readers will contact you for their legal needs. It also lowers your “bounce rate,” which is the rate at which readers “bounce” off your web page.
Sometimes referred to as “blawgs,” legal blogs have become a substantial source of information – and an effective form of legal marketing – in this new digital era. It’s true that there has never been more information so readily available. By some estimates, there are more than 200 million blogs that currently exist on the web – and a good chunk of those are law-related. However, not all of them are high-quality. This is where many new law firm start-ups go sideways. The failure to invest in online legal marketing often proves fatal to new firms.
For a brand new law firm, it can be easy to put the legal blog writing on the back-burner. Neither attorneys nor their paralegals have the time to invest in keeping the content updated – which is needed to make it effective. They also may not have a ton of spare funds on hand. But in today’s world, not having a website is simply not an option. People aren’t searching Yellow Pages anymore. They may occasionally hear an advertisement on the radio or pass a billboard, but those avenues are often high investment for relatively low returns. This is why legal marketing through blog writing is so important. It levels the playing field between your law firm startup and established legal behemoths.
And unlike so many other types of outlets, a legal blog allows you to tailor your message to your market and your specialty and to provide your own unique perspective. That’s why even though there are already so many legal blogs out there, we really are nowhere close to a market saturation. A blog on DUI arrests in Philadelphia is going to be different than a blog on the same topic written for readers in Los Angeles.
Having a legal marketing firm to help you to generate content doesn’t mean you have to be totally hands-off on your blog either. You can still occasionally dive in and share the benefit of your expertise. What we at Law Firm Ghost Writer provide is regular, high-quality content that helps you keep up the consistent pace needed to establish a foothold in your your market online. Bear in mind: A poorly-maintained blog can actually have the opposite effect of one that is well-written and frequently updated.
Our legal marketing team is comfortable writing for a general audience. With extensive experience in journalism and law, we can also produce highly-technical content that gives your new law firm an edge on credibility. We can tailor the tone of your blog to fit the tone of your new practice. We look forward to helping you get established.
Contact Law Firm Ghost Writer to learn more about our legal blog writing services at 1.888.901.3939.
Additional Resources:
Between Lawyers Roundtable: The Future of Legal Blogging, American Bar Association
More Blog Entries:
Legal Blog Writers Explain Best Types of Content for Law Firm SEO, Dec. 10, 2016, Legal Marketing Blog
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